SYDNEY! Pens down and eyes up! Pub Choir is staging their biggest ever show in your beautiful city on March 27th, 2025 at the Hordern Pavilion!!
- Imagine a night where your voice, no matter how crummy, is good enough to be singing in beautiful harmony with thousands of others. This isn’t just your ordinary singalong; Pub Choir is a musical awakening. It’s a movement. It’s dead average and yet… somehow also a miracle?
- Led by the human fidget spinner, Astrid Jorgensen, chaotically twirl your way to singing glory by learning a song in real time and just having a crack. The only prep you need to do is to buy a ticket!
- What song will we learn? We’re flattered that you think we’re that organised. Whatever it is, it’ll unfold in real time once only, and never again. Don’t miss out on the magic. It’s part comedy, part concert, and entirely unforgettable!
- 18+ event, Auslan interpreted.
Dates & Times
pricing & Ticketing Info
accessible seating info