Conditions of Entry
- You enter and attend an event at the venue at your own risk.
- Neither management nor the promoter will be liable for any loss, injury or damage suffered or incurred by you or any other person entering or attending any such event.
- Smoking or Vaping is not permitted inside the venue.
- Management reserves the right to inspect or search any clothing, bags, containers or packages you intend to bring into the venue. This includes a pat-down, bag search or inspection by screening equipment.
- Management and staff reserve the right to refuse entry to any person, articles of clothing or items that present any risk of harm to persons or property.
- No professional cameras without prior approval. Professional photographers must produce satisfactory accreditation. Sound and video recorders are not permitted to be brought into the venue.
- The event may be filmed and it is a condition of entry that you agree that your image may be broadcast.
- Food, alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages are not permitted to be brought into the venue
- Weapons of any kind or illicit drugs or other similar substances are not permitted to be brought into the venue. Along with all other items noted in the prohibited items.
- No pass-outs will be issued in respect of the event in the venue.
- Patrons who wish to consume alcohol or alcoholic beverages provided at approved facilities in the venue must produce approved photographic identification, including photo driver’s licence, passport, government photo card or interstate or international equivalents. Any person found to be supplying or buying alcohol for a minor will be evicted from the event and handed over to police.
- The use of illicit substances is prohibited. This venue has a zero-tolerance policy towards the use and possession of illicit drugs. Patrons found with illicit drugs will be refused entry, have their tickets cancelled and be referred to police.
- By entering the event or venue, and using the event medical facilities, you consent (express or implied) to allow third parties to receive personal information from the medical service providers that has been obtained during treatment, during and/or after the event.
- Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any person or to remove any person from the venue without any entitlement to a refund. Without limitation to that reservation, any person deemed to be affected by alcohol or drugs may be refused entry or ejected from the venue.
- These premises are protected by CCTV. Any anti-social or illegal activity or threat to safety will not be tolerated. Patrons who cause a disturbance or refuse to comply with directions of management or its staff, (including security personnel) will be ejected from the venue. Any personal information collected through the CCTV will comply with Australian Privacy Principles. Your personal information will be kept secure and will be destroyed or de-identified when it is no longer needed.
- Patrons acknowledge and agree that entry to and attendance at an event at the venue is subject to compliance with these conditions.
- Please note ONLY empty plastic bottles are allowed inside the venue as a safety precaution. Glass or metal bottles are prohibited. We have multiple spots where these can be filled up inside or water bottles can be purchased.
- Cameras with a detachable lens telephoto lens or a lens that extends more than 5cm from the body of the camera. Flash photography is not permitted.
- Umbrellas longer than 300mm (when in the closed position)
- Drones and or other remote-controlled devices iPads / tablets or any mobile phone measuring greater than 9 inches
- Horns, trumpets, sirens, whistles or Vuvuzela type of noise making devices
- Flags or signs larger than 30cm x 30cm, flag pole not attached and content must not be offensive in any nature
- Motorbike helmets, balaclavas or face coverings
- Weapons of any kind, including any item that can be used as a projectile
- Laser Pointers, permanent marker / felt type pens, scissors or aerosol canisters
- Backpacks and any other bags larger than the approved size of 30cm H x 30cm L Baggage size guides are available upon entry to verify the approve sizes permitted inside the venue.
- Alcohol or illegal substances of any kind
- Cans and bottles of any kind or eskies / hard cased cooler bags
- Chains and spiked wrist / neck bands/ studded belts or shoes
- Glow sticks and other such illuminating objects Selfie Sticks / Monopods or Tripods Bicycles, skateboards / skates
- Chewing Gum
- Banners, posters, flags or signs larger than an A4 sheet of paper
- Commercial food (fast food items or food purchased from a full service restaurant)
- Fireworks or flares
- Animals (excluding service animals)
- Liquids including but not limited to e-cigarette liquids, hand sanitiser, contact lens fluid, perfumes/ fragrances
- Nasal inhalers (prescription/ non-prescription medicine may be allowed subject to check by the medical team)
- Other Items determined by Management that may cause injury or public nuisance.
Please note: This list of Prohibited Items are subject to change without notice at the complete discretion of Management, or as requested by artists or performers from time to time.
- $3 per item.
- Items cannot be collected until leaving the venue.
- Ticket/ wristband will be issued for each item deposited in the cloak room.
- Deposited items will be released upon production of the corresponding ticket/wristband.
- The venue reserves the right to refuse to accept any item for deposit in the cloak room.
- Items left uncollected will be sent to lost property and held for a period of 2 weeks post event.
- While all care is taken, PVM accepts no responsibility for loss, theft or damage to any items deposited in the cloak room.
Patrons entering the venue are advised that:
- The venue is a licensed area / premises.
- Intoxicated persons will be refused entry / evicted from the Licensed Premises
- No external alcoholic beverages will be permitted entry to the Licensed Premises
- Alcohol may not be permitted inside the Main Auditorium during some events
- It is an offence for minors to purchase or consume alcohol;
- It is an offence to sell to or supply minors with alcohol;
- Checking procedures will apply at all entrances to prevent prohibited items from entering;
- Drinks are required to be decanted into approved plastic cups for some events.
- The following forms of ID are acceptable:
For the safety, comfort and enjoyment of all patrons, Management reserves the right to:
- Refuse Entry to any persons deemed to be intoxicated and/or disorderly;
- Refuse entry to any unauthorised persons;
- Refuse entry of items which have the potential to cause injury or public nuisance;
- Refuse entry to any person who purchases an event ticket from any unauthorised source, including a ticket scalper.
- Refuse entry to any person who presents an invalid ticket.
- Refuse Entry to any persons wearing ‘Colours’, ‘insignia’ or pictures signifying belonging to any Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs (OLMC’s) or other group as designated by Police